M. Heitkemper

M. Heitkemper

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Review: The Catch (Comic Series)

Ok, let’s talk about The Catch.  A series from Atomic Tiki Studio, The Catch is a fun twist on the superhero genre.  The book is brought to us by Steve Bryant (Writer & Letterer), Ismael Canales (Pencils & Inks), Roger Surroca (Colors), and Chris Murrin (Editor).  The Catch is another book that I found on Kickstarter, and this book certainly attests to the idea that the best comics out there today are indie and are found on crowdfunding sites.  

The Story:  Lucy Chase is a skip trace, however in her world a lot of the skips that she is tasked with tracking down are super powered criminals.  How is this regular world girl able to get the leg up on some supers you might ask?  Well, for starters she’s very witty, clever, and she was trained by the best, her father.  Also, because of her appearance, it appears that some of her adversaries underestimate her abilities.  It also doesn’t hurt that Lucy’s mother is the Deputy Marshal.  Oh yeah, and she maintains a complicated romantic relationship with a detective under her mother’s command.  These two relations allow her access to some helpful devices in securing her target.  While tracing one of her targets, Lucy stumbles into a multifaceted conspiracy to retrieve a flash drive that contains information compiled by the recently discovered deceased superhero, Mid-Knight.  The information on the drive?  Well, it’s only filled with contingency protocols on how to stop every super powered vigilante and criminal on the streets!  Lucy has gotten herself into something deep, and I just know that the story is just beginning.

First off, the art team knocked it out of the park.  From the line work, to the logo design, to the coloring, the book is put together very professionally.  Obviously, artwork that is consistent and easy on the eyes makes for an enjoyable read, and this creative team delivers.  

I am hooked into this story so far.  I have read issue 1 and 2, and I totally dig the characters and their back stories (or at least what has been revealed to us so far).  Yeah, some of the characters are obvious parodies of other popular heroes from other mainstream books; but in my opinion, these types of familiarities are what help to draw a reader into a new title.  However, the characters that are not familiar in some way still come off relatable.  Lucy’s personal struggles appear to always be looming, but she uses her devotion to her craft as a skip-trace to ignore them.  It’s only a band aid, and I think she knows that it will eventually peel away; but these are ideal elements to build a complex character that a reader can relate to.  

The Catch is really a fun read, and I would certainly recommend that you find a copy and read it.  I myself am looking forward to reading issue #3 and further.  Oh, well look at that, the creators have just launched another Kickstarter for the third book!  Now might be the perfect time for you to catch up.  If you check out the rewards, you will find that you can get the other books in this campaign as well.  Go on, check it out and support another great indie comic series!  Thanks, and keep reading!

Check Out THE CATCH on Kickstarter!

Acts of Contrition Vol. 3 Is Coming to Kickstarter!


The Third and Final Installment to the Acts of Contrition Graphic Novel Series is coming to Kickstarter!

It's bitter sweet, but the series that I've poured my heart into is coming to an end!  The Neo Noir Crime thriller will come to a conclusion in "The Book of Stephen."  Of course, bringing this final book to Kickstarter wasn't the original plan; but because of the current global situation, it seemed to be the most logical one.  On account of the COVID19 pandemic, I have not been able to attend any comic conventions this year which is where we tend to make most of our sales and get the most exposure.  Late last year, we successfully used Kickstarter late to fund the printing of Freedom Fighter #10, and we gained a lot of new readers because of it.  My hope is that the Acts of Contrition series will receive a similar response with The Book of Stephen Kickstarter.

The campaign has not yet launched, but I plan to hit the "Go" button in the next couple of days.  I'm really just waiting on Kickstarter to approve the campaign.  In the meantime, I wanted to share a preview of the campaign with everyone in hopes that I could get some feedback before the launch.  Tell me what you think of it.  Are the rewards exciting enough?  Do they seem fair?  Any misspellings, or awkwardly composed sentences?  

So, please, if you have a moment, follow this link and see what you think.  I hope you consider following and backing the campaign.  I will post again when we launch!  Thanks for reading!

The Book of Stephen Kickstarter