The Third and Final Installment to the Acts of Contrition Graphic Novel Series is coming to Kickstarter!
It's bitter sweet, but the series that I've poured my heart into is coming to an end! The Neo Noir Crime thriller will come to a conclusion in "The Book of Stephen." Of course, bringing this final book to Kickstarter wasn't the original plan; but because of the current global situation, it seemed to be the most logical one. On account of the COVID19 pandemic, I have not been able to attend any comic conventions this year which is where we tend to make most of our sales and get the most exposure. Late last year, we successfully used Kickstarter late to fund the printing of Freedom Fighter #10, and we gained a lot of new readers because of it. My hope is that the Acts of Contrition series will receive a similar response with The Book of Stephen Kickstarter.
The campaign has not yet launched, but I plan to hit the "Go" button in the next couple of days. I'm really just waiting on Kickstarter to approve the campaign. In the meantime, I wanted to share a preview of the campaign with everyone in hopes that I could get some feedback before the launch. Tell me what you think of it. Are the rewards exciting enough? Do they seem fair? Any misspellings, or awkwardly composed sentences?
So, please, if you have a moment, follow this link and see what you think. I hope you consider following and backing the campaign. I will post again when we launch! Thanks for reading!
The Book of Stephen Kickstarter
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