M. Heitkemper

M. Heitkemper

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Kickstarter Highs and Lows...


Kickstarter can be a really strange place.  Take our current outing with The Book of Stephen.  On the first day of the campaign, we managed to attract several first time backers and several high priced reward tiers were selected.  I mean, Wow! What a way to kick off a campaign.  But since then, we’ve only had a slow trickle of new followers to the campaign and even fewer new backers.  I’m no sure what happened, but I have faith that it’s going to work out.  I’m continuing to shamelessly promote the campaign on social media, and I feel like it’s getting a lot of positive response.  I have a feeling that the majority of our funding is going to come in the final week of the campaign.  The last campaign we launched for the Freedom Fighter Comic book had a similar kind of backer pattern.  It wasn’t until the last 48 hours of the campaign that we managed to pull in the rest of the funds needed to meet our goal.  We even went over our goal some, which was an outstanding feeling! 

The idea of canceling the campaign, revamping or even relaunching on IndieGoGo has crossed my mind, but I think should see this one out.  Meeting the goal on The Book of Stephen Kickstarter is really all that I would like to do.  However, I do dream of the opportunity to announce some great stretch goals and surpass our goal by hundreds, maybe even thousands!  It can still be done!  There are still 16 days in the campaign.  We can still do this!

If you haven’t yet, please check out The Book of Stephen Kickstarter.  If pledging isn’t something that you can do at this time for whatever reason, I really would appreciate if you help spread the word about this campaign.  I think that we have some great rewards and add ons, so hopefully you can find something that suits you.  If there’s something you’d like to see, by all means reach out and tell me.  Maybe I can make it happen. 


As always, thank you so much for your help and support in the past and whatever you can provide now.  I hope that you are all well, and still supporting indie comics everywhere!

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